In Vino Veritas

The beauty label, also described by Mathilde Thomas as a 'family adventure', has its roots in the vineyards of Bordeaux, offers many years of care expertise, numerous patents and a unique, global authenticity... Because in Vino Veritas!
At the beginning of the 1990s, Mathilde and Bertrand Thomas - like many French people - left the province for Paris to pursue their careers. After their first professional experiences in the cosmetics industry, a stay with Mathilde's parents at the Château Smith Haut Lafitte winery became their life-changer in 1993.
Year after year, the grape seeds were a remnant when they were pressed. Professor Joseph Vercauteren, head of the research laboratory of the pharmaceutical faculty of Bordeaux, made the surprising but accurate observation during a visit that the family was thus leaving real treasures unused. It is precisely the seeds that have exceptional antioxidant power thanks to their natural polyphenols.
In order to make sustainable use of this power, the first three Caudalie products were launched in 1995. And the name says it all! The feminine term from oenology describes the unit of measurement for the finish, the lasting taste of a wine in the mouth. One second = one Caudalie. And the more the better.
Right from the start, the products were available in French pharmacies and quickly became an insider tip. In an epoch without social media or influencers, the brand became known far beyond the borders of France through avowed celebrities and enthusiastic make-up artists. And popular. A special booster was the Eau de Beauté, which was highly appreciated by Victoria Beckham in 1997 - still an instant bestseller for the brand today.
But that is not all. For a holistic experience, the first spa of its own, "Les Sources de Caudalie", was opened in 1999 in the vineyards, not far from Matilda's parents' house. This is where the brand, with its very special identity and a specially developed vinothérapie, can be experienced ever since. And to this day a popular hideaway not only for busy Parisians.
Now, 20 years later, in addition to a large number of urban boutique spas around the world, there are also two spa facilities in Bilbao and Porto that meet Caudalie's quality standards.

The product portfolio picked up speed in the following years. In 2001, resveratrol - a natural protection of the vine - was used as an active ingredient for the first time. A first in the beauty market! Since 2005, the juice of the vines, Viniferine, has also been used. It works against hyper pigmentation, supports an even complexion and is protected by patent. All the wine extracts used come without restriction from France (Bordeaux, Champagne and Burgundy), are processed and also produced there.
However, to meet international demand and to better understand the users and foreign markets, Mathilde and Bertrand Thomas and their children moved to New York in 2010 for five years. A total success story. In addition to the forward-looking partnership with Dr. David Sinclair from the Harvard Medical School - a renowned anti-aging expert, Mathilde wrote the book 'The French Beauty Solution' - a New York Time bestseller. In 2015 the busy family moved to Hong Kong for another two years before returning to France.
As much as nature does good for Caudalie, the label wants to give back. Since 2012, the company has donated 1% of its sales to '1% for the planet', a charity that supports environmental organisations that fight deforestation. At the same time, the company's ethical standards - also known as 'cosmic ethics' - are optimised on a daily basis: Natural and environmentally friendly active ingredients are preferred to everything else and scientists are researching into forward-looking care products for the future. The outer packaging is made completely from recycled paper. The containers are made of recycled or biological plastic. At the same time, transport routes are optimised to reduce CO2 emissions.
"I believe in a greener planet and in sensible and committed cosmetics." Mathilde Thomas, Founder.